Friday, April 10, 2015

ISIS shoots dead 10 doctors who refused to treat wounded jihadists

#ISIS #jihadists #Mosul #Tikrit #AshCarter #SouthKorea That the ISIS hates refusal has once again come to light when they shot dead 10 doctors who did not agree to treat wounded jihadists in Iraq. This has been reported in dated 9 April 2015.
The summary execution by the bloodthirsty militants happened in a location near Mosul when the militants fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq savagely executed the doctors who refused to treat wounded members of the terrorist organization. The location was the battle-ravaged area 15 miles south of the extremists' northern Iraqi stronghold Mosul. Video released has captured the moment the fighters killed the doctors with a bullet to the head.
As per information, the ISIS jihadists had been fighting local groups in the Hammam al-Alil area and a number of them sustained injuries that necessitated medical treatment. But, the doctors refused saying that they do not support the terror group's activities. That led to their execution.
Observers have described the city of Mosul as being a massive open-air prison. The residents here are subjected to barbaric torture at the hands of the ISIS terrorists. The jihadists had, reportedly, executed 60 Sunni tribal fighters in Anbar province of Iraq on charges of collaborating with the Iraqi security forces.
Iraqi Army soldiers and the Iran-backed volunteer Shiite militias have joined up with the Iraqi regime to have successfully pushed back the ISIS from important towns and villages. The liberation of Tikrit was an example. Tikrit was the birthplace of Saddam Hussein and a strategically important location and the Iraqi Army will now try to regain control of Mosul and eventually force ISIS out of the country.
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter has indicated that the U.S. has made progress against ISIS in Iraq but was unable to make any prediction on how long the fight will take. He was interacting at a joint news conference with his South Korean counterpart and admitted that he could not say with confidence that it was the beginning of the end for ISIS in Iraq.

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